Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Day before

Chaos does describe somwehat the registration of Delegates and Visitors. There were the enevitable questions about changes of address, newly elected delegates and where to go to find any number of places and things. In and through it all, the army of volunteers kept answering the questions and smiling. The level of frustration was at a minimum. Like a old time trail boss, Henry Radde kept everything going in the right direction as he moved through the booths and lines wearing his big black hat and looking like Fort Worth, Texas was still the Cow Town of old. It was impressive to see how many peolpl that it takes to host this large gathering of United Methodist Christians. The groups were already forming to present their causes and boundaries were established for the presentation of ideas and materials. The preparation has come to a height that says, "Tomorrow, we get started for real." The meeting hall is being prepared for lights, sound and video with tests of equipment, and presentations. The Episcopal Address was being rehearsed by Bishop Sharon Christopher-Brown. Even the light that governs the time limits on speaches had to be assembled and tested. You can be very pround of the people, the facility and the staff as they are poised to bring the train into the station. .Stay tuned, I think I hear the whistle blowing.

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